Friday, May 28, 2010

Got-Roy(ong) Perdana

datee : i forgot already:()
day : saturday
from : 7:30 *if im not mistaken lah
till : till then bye !

*HAHA . joking2 . until noon je . afternoon habis la .
Me , as a QM bekerja di padang
berdekatan dengan tempat di mana F2 pendeker bekerja
There's a tukang sapu sampah yang sangatt rajin
you ! HAHA
she is my bestfriend , kankan ?
it's not weird to be a sweeper's bestfriend
dont get mad tau !
semua balik :) the tomorrow is the Ekiden Run . we got 79th ranking ouh

here its suit !
ouh-bye :)


  1. takpee , nice add though . me the bstfriend a.k.a sweeper ye kawan :)

  2. eh , jangan marah . im sorry . jangan ambil hati yea :(
